The aim of the Kangaroo Island Feral Cat Eradication Program is to eradicate feral cats from Kangaroo Island (KI) by 2030. The program is being led by the KI Natural Resources Management Board (the Board) and the Kangaroo Island Council. The Board formally launched the Kangaroo Island Feral Cat Eradication 2015-2030 Prospectus at the Threatened Species Summit in Melbourne in July 2015 (this will be reviewed as the program develops). The program is funded by the Australian Government with in-kind support from the Department for Environment and Water and further contributions and support from Agriculture KI, PIRSA, Nature Foundation South Australia and other public donations. Why eradicate feral cats? Feral cat predation is a major threat to the Island’s valuable and endemic fauna, with up to 50 native animal species at risk including the:
- endangered southern brown bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus ssp. obesulus)
- endangered Kangaroo Island dunnart (Sminthopsis aitkeni)
- endangered Kangaroo Island echidna (Tachyglossus aculeates multiaculeatus)